Posted by bridget on 23rd Jul 2021
Keeping up with your immune system is equally important during the warmer summer months. And, with the school season right around the corner + seasonal change, our exposure to variations in environment always pose a major impact on our ability to combat the stuff that can make us feel weak, lethargic, or under the weather.
Elderberry Elixir is our go-to. We love it as 'a chaser' to a shot of Cyclone Cider because of its sweet, syrupy consistency. Like Mary Poppins once sang, 'a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down'. She was right!
New study explains how elderberries stop the flu virus dead in its tracks. The unique phytochemicals found in elderberries block the virus from entering, or even, attaching to, our healthy cells. When taken preventatively during flu season. Even if the fly has taken hold, the compound prevents the virus from replicating, eliminating symptoms within 48 hours. The researchers used commercially farmed elderberries which turned into a juice serum and were applied to cells before, during, and after they had been infected with the influenza virus. The result was a “potent direct antiviral effect against the flu virus. It inhibits the early stages of an infection by blocking key viral proteins responsible for both the viral attachment and the entry into the host cells.”
Elderberry elixir is effective at fighting the virus at later stages of infection by stimulating infected cells to release chemical messengers that the immune system uses for communication between different cell types.
It is effective for all people, children, adolescents, adults, and elderly; and it tastes great too! This elderberry elixir is a non-alcohol extract, as it is made using vegetable glycerine, which adds another dimension of sweetness to the formula.
Elderberries are powerful little berries that pack a big punch!
Get on the elderberry bandwagon and support your own health naturally with this delicious berry. We offer elixir, syrup & honey! Elderberry honey is a real treat!!
Do you love flowers? I do! Especially wonderfully fragrant, purple ones! Syringa vulgaris is a sweet, heady, somewhat spicy, fragrant blooming shrub that has been steeped into the olfactory for many a century. Lilacs are a deciduous bush that can grow upwards of 12’ tall and bloom in an array of colors of white, blue, pink and [...]
Remaining Calm During Coronavirus OutbreakI hope this update finds you healthy and well, remaining some sense of calm and internal peace as COVID-19 spans the globe affecting more and more families & communities at large. Understanding continues to grow regarding the details of this rampantly spreading virus - how it is contracted, how it may [...]
Artichokes have so many health benefits and taste yummy too. A true super food!They're a great source of dietary fiber, can reduce cholesterol, are a great source of antioxidants, support healthy digestion because of their bitter quality, are great for the liver, and may help prevent some types of cancer. Here's a fun recipe you [...]
Rose is excellent for the skin as well as the cardiovascular system and female reproductive vitality. The powerfully sweet, somewhat damask scent of rose is alluring and often times referred to as 'old-fashioned'. Its classic aromas and powerful healing qualities make this collection close to my heart, and, soon, you too, will find it ultimately [...]
With my current location 9000 ft above sea level, the seasons are not quite what I have ever experienced. Being a California girl mostly raised in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, with many of my adult years spent in a coastal/mountain environment (mountain being so relative now, but that's another story), it has taken [...]
As many of you may know, i don't really follow recipes too closely. Maybe at first I'll use one as a guideline, but ultimately, for most spontaneous, creative, specialty products, I will add a little more of this or less of that to make something that is so divine. IMO, anyways!I have created 3 new [...]
According to the World Health Organization, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1-7 to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world.Breastfeeding is best-feeding, however some times there are situations which may suggest you take supplemental action to help increase and potentially richen breastmilk supply. The all-organic Momma's Milk [...]
Minerals and gemstones, beautiful, raw pieces of sometimes-colored earthen stones.. All aspects of Nature lend healing qualities, and I have found a deep richness among the dirt and boulders and, often, craggy spaces of where hike or ride an ATV to. So much beauty this great planet has to offer.Take a read of the newest [...]
Summer Wellness OxymelWarm summer days often lead to a greater abundance of time spent outdoors enjoying all the warm season has offer. Social interactions and increased physical activity are at their peak along with the assumption that well-being will naturally follow. For some, summertime allergies peak and exhaustion ensue, but there are ways to keep [...]